Urban Land Expansion Warms the Surface Air in Dry Climate
Urbanization increases greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and alters surface biophysical properties. Existing climate models account for the GHG effect by prescribing GHG time trajectories, but they do not have the capacity to handle the biophysical effect. This study simulates the urban land expansion using a new dynamic urban scheme. We find that the biophysical effect of urban land expansion depends on aridity: this effect warms the surface air more in dry climate than in wet climate.

Humidity Matters as Much as Temperature for Heat Resilience
Greenspaces are a common strategy for adaptation to urban warming. They reduce urban air temperature by evaporation, but evaporation also humidifies urban air. In this study, we used bicycle-mounted smart sensors to measure microclimate in >100 greenspaces in 15 cities around the world. We found that the temperature and the humidity effect tend to cancel each other during the day but reinforce each other at night. The result is a net reduction of humid heat in these greenspaces at night.

ML Algorithms Improve CO2 measurement
Low-cost sensors (USD 60 to 120 per unit) are increasingly used to measure CO2 concentration in outdoor air. The accuracy of this type of sensors on the market is no better than 30 ppm, which is not good enough for scientific applications. We trained ML (machine learning) algorithms with parallel observation made with a research-grade CO2 analyzer for sensor calibration. Results show that a stack ensemble model achieved the best performance, improving the sensor accuracy to 6 ppm.

Land Boundary Layer Amplifies Humid Heat
A general view is that land humid heat, as measured by the wet-bulb temperature Tw, should increase at the same rate as the sea surface temperature SST. Using CMIP6 models and reanalysis data, we show that Tw increases 17% faster than the SST. This amplification is caused by stronger atmospheric longwave radiation into the land boundary layer in a warmer climate. The increase in longwave radiation is a well-known consequence of rising air temperature and air humidity in a CO2 enriched world.

Aerosol Interference with Eddy Covariance
Eddy covariance is widely used to measure the surface CO2 flux. Its measurement is known to be interfered by density fluctuations caused by other compounds in the air. Here we report a type of interference previously unknown to eddy covariance users. In polluted air and under high humidity conditions over a lake surface, aerosols deposited on the optical lens cause large artificial CO2 fluctuations. This leads to an apparent downward or negative flux, as if the lake were a strong CO2 sink.

List of Publications
Lee X (2023) Fundamentals of Boundary-Layer Meteorology (Second Edition). Springer. | contents | image files | lecture files (First Edition) | corrections |
This password-protected instructor solutions manual – updated for use with the second edition of the text – is available for download. If you are a teacher, please email your password request to
Lee X, W Massman, B Law (2004) Handbook of Micrometeorology: A Guide for Surface Flux Measurement and Analysis. Springer | correction
Zhang K , B Fang, K Oleson, L Zhao, C He , Q Huang, Z Liu, C Cao, X Lee (2025) Urban land expansion amplifies surface warming more in dry climate than in wet climate: a global sensitivity study. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 130: e2024JD041696.
Yang Y, C Cao, I Bogoev, C Deetman, G Dietz, J Hang, L Howard, X Huang, N Kendall, J Lai, H Lam, K Tam, C Yoo, K Zhang, X Lee (2024) Regulation of humid heat by urban green space across a climate wetness gradient. Nature Cities 1: 871-879.
Yang Y, X Lee (2024) Contributions of temperature and humidity to intra-city variations in humid heat. Urban Climate 58: 102201
Dubey R, A Telles, J Nikkel, C Cao, J Gewirtzman, PA Raymond, Xuhui Lee (2024) Low-cost CO2 NDIR sensors: performance evaluation and calibration using machine learning techniques. Sensors 24: 5675.
Dubey R, AK Patra, J Joshi, D Blankenberg, A Penchala, X Lee (2024) Vertical distribution of particulate matter near a national highway and influence of roadside tree canopy: A drone/UAV based study. Atmospheric Environment 336, 120761.
Tang T, X Lee, J Cao (2024) Strengthening of the annual temperature cycle in the mid-latitudes of Northern Hemisphere. Discover Geoscience 2: 96.
Tang T, X Lee, K Zhang (2024) Historical land use and land cover change reduced the temperature of cold extremes more than that of hot extremes. The Innovation Geoscience 2: 100079.
Chu H, C Cao, W Wang, W Xiao, K Zhang, M Zhang, X Lee (2024) The land wet-bulb temperature increases faster than the sea surface temperature. Geophysical Research Letters 51: e2023GL106617. reprint
Lyu H, W Wang, K Zhang, C Cao, W Xiao, X Lee (2024) Factors influencing the spatial variability of air temperature urban heat island intensity in Chinese cities. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 41: 817-829.
Xiao W, J Wang, R Zhao, L Jia, H Chu, H Bao, C Cao, P Ge, J Yang, M Zhang, Z Zhang, X Lee (2024) Evaluation of the maximum evaporation and the Priestley-Taylor models for inland waterbodies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129: e2024JD041071.
Jia L, M Zhang, W Xiao, Y Pu, Z Zhang, H Bao, P Ge, J Shi, Y He, F Yang, K Aho, P Raymond, X Lee (2024) Aerosol interference with open-path eddy covariance measurement in a lake environment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 355: 110104.
Liu C, J Huang, C Hu, C Cao, K Yue, X Fang, R Zhu, X Lee (2024) Sensitivity of surface downward longwave radiation to aerosol optical depth over the Lake Taihu region, China. Atmospheric Research 305: 107444.
Xiao Q, X Xu, T Qi, J Luo, X Lee, Hongtao Duan (2024) Lakes shifted from a carbon dioxide source to a sink over past two decades in China. Science Bulletin 69: 1857-1861.
Mao Z, Y Zhang, L Bu, Q Wang, W Xiao, X Lee, D Liang, KM Burhan, J Liu, W Chen, S Liu, Z Wang (2024) Measurement of CO2 column concentration above cloud tops with a spaceborne IPDA lidar. Geophysical Research Letters 51: e2024GL113309.
Cheng K, Y Chang, X Lee, D Ji, L Qiao, Z Zou, Y Duan, RJ Huang (2024) Life-course health risk assessment of PM2.5 elements in China: exposure disparities by species, source, age, gender, and location. Environmental Science & Technology 58: 3629-3640.
Zhang K, C Cao, H Chu, L Zhao, J Zhao, X Lee (2023) Increased heat risk in wet climate induced by urban humid heat. Nature 617: 38-742.
Zhang K, X Lee, NM Schultz, L Zhao, C He, Q Huang, Z Liu, H Chu, J Zhao (2023) A global dataset on subgrid land surface climate (2015–2100) from the Community Earth System Model. Geoscience Data Journal 10: 208-219. reprint
Tang T, X Lee, N Schultz, K Zhang, L Cai, DM Lawrence, E Shevliakova (2023) Biophysical impact of land use and land cover change on subgrid temperature in CMIP6 models. Journal of Hydrometeorology 24: 373-388. reprint
Su Y, C Zhang, P Ciais, Z Zeng, A Cescatti, J Shang, JM Chen, J Liu, YP Wang, W Yuan, S Peng, X Lee, Z Zhu, L Fan, X Liu, L Liu, R Lafortezza, Y Li, J Ren, X Yang, X Chen (2023) Asymmetric influence of forest cover gain and loss on land surface temperature. Nature Climate Change 13: 823-831. reprint
Xiao Q, C Hu, X Gu, Q Zeng, Z Liu, W Xiao, M Zhang, Z Hu, W Wang, J Luo, Y Qiu, X Lee, H Duan (2023) Aquaculture farm largely increase indirect nitrous oxide emission factors of lake. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 341: 108212. reprint
Xiao K, TJ Griffis, X Lee, W Xiao, JM Baker (2023) A coupled equilibrium boundary layer model with stable water isotopes and its application to local water recycling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 339: 109572. reprint
Hu C, W Xiao, TJ Griffis, Q Xiao, S Wang, Y Zhang, W Wang, L Zhu, X Chen, X Yu, X Lee (2023) Estimation of anthropogenic CH4 and CO2 emissions in Taiyuan‐Jinzhong region: One of the world’s largest emission hotspots. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128: e2022JD037915. reprint
Golub M, N Koupaei-Abyazani, T Vesala, … X Lee …, AR Desai (2023) Diel, seasonal, and inter-annual variation in carbon dioxide effluxes from lakes and reservoirs. Environmental Research Letters 18: 034046. reprint
Duan H, Q Xiao, T Qi, C Hu, M Zhang, M Shen, Z Hu, W Wang, W Xiao, Y Qiu, J Luo, X Lee (2023) Quantification of diffusive methane emissions from a large eutrophic lake with satellite imagery. Environmental Science and Technology 57: 13520-13529. reprint
Chakraborty T, ZS Venter, Y Qian, X Lee (2022) Lower urban humidity moderates outdoor heat stress. Agu Advances 3: e2022AV000729. reprint
Liu Z, W Zhan, B Bechtel, J Voogt, J Lai, T Chakraborty, Z Wang, M Li, F Huang, X Lee (2022) Surface warming in global cities is substantially more rapid than in rural background areas. Communications Earth & Environment 3: 219. reprint
Chakraborty T, X Lee, DM Lawrence (2022) Diffuse radiation forcing constraints on gross primary productivity and global terrestrial evapotranspiration. Earth’s Future 10: e2022EF002805. reprint
Pu P, M Zhang, L Jia, Z Zhang, W Xiao, S Liu, J Zhao, Y Xie, X Lee (2022) Methane emission of a lake aquaculture farm and its response to ecological restoration. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 330: 107883. reprint
Hu Y, W Xiao, J Wang, LR Welp, C Xie, H Chu, X Lee (2022) Quantifying the contribution of evaporation from Lake Taihu to precipitation with an isotope-based method. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 58: 258-276. reprint
Liu Z, W Zhan, J Lai, B Bechtel, X Lee, F Hong, L Li, F Huang, J Li (2022) Taxonomy of seasonal and diurnal clear-sky climatology of surface urban heat island dynamics across global cities. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 187: 14-33. reprint
Chen M, W Yuan, C Cao, C Buehler, DR Gentner, X Lee (2022) Development and performance evaluation of a low-cost portable PM2.5 monitor for mobile deployment. Sensors 22: 2767. reprint
Xie Y, M Zhang, W Xiao, J Zhao, W Huang, Z Zhang, Y Hu, Z Qin, L Jia, Y Pu, H Chu, J Wang, J Shi, S Liu, X Lee (2022) Nitrous oxide flux observed with tall-tower eddy covariance over a heterogeneous rice cultivation landscape. Science of The Total Environment 810: 152210. reprint
Yang Y, X Lee (2022) A scale-separating framework for fusing satellite land surface temperature products. Remote Sensing 14: 983. reprint
Xiao Q, H Duan, B Qin, Z Hu, M Zhang, T Qi, X Lee (2022) Eutrophication and temperature drive large variability in carbon dioxide from China’s Lake Taihu. Limnology and Oceanography 67: 379-391. reprint
Wang W, TC Chakraborty, W Xiao, X Lee (2021) Ocean surface energy balance allows a constraint on the sensitivity of precipitation to global warming. Nature Communications 12: 2115. reprint
Tang T, D Shindell, Y Zhang, A Voulgarakis, JF Lamarque, G Myhre, G Faluvegi, B Samset, T Andrews, D Olivié, T Takemura, X Lee (2021) Distinct surface response to black carbon aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21: 13797–13809. reprint
Chakraborty TC (2021) The Biophysical Impacts of Aerosols on Surface Climate. PhD Dissertation, Yale University. e-copy
Chakraborty TC, X Lee, DM Lawrence (2021) Strong local evaporative cooling over land due to atmospheric aerosols. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13: e2021MS002491. reprint
Chakraborty T, X Lee (2021) Large differences in diffuse solar radiation among current-generation reanalysis and satellite-derived products. Journal of Climate 34: 6635-6650. reprint
Chakraborty T, X Lee (2021) Using supervised learning to develop BaRAD, a 40-year monthly bias-adjusted global gridded radiation database. Scientific Data 8: 238. reprint
Venter Z, TC Chakraborty, X Lee (2021) Crowdsourced air temperatures contrast satellite measures of the urban heat island and its mechanisms. Science Advances 7: eabb9569. reprint
Huang K, X Lee, B Stone Jr, J Knievel, ML Bell, KC Seto (2021) Persistent increases in nighttime heat stress from urban expansion despite heat island mitigation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 126: e2020JD033831. reprint
Chakraborty TC, C Sarangi, X Lee (2021) Reduction in human activity can enhance the urban heat island: insights from the COVID-19 lockdown. Environmental Research Letters 16: 054060. reprint
Chakraborty TC, X Lee, S Ermida, W Zhan (2021) On the land emissivity assumption and Landsat-derived surface urban heat islands: a global analysis. Remote Sensing of the Environment 265: 112682. reprint
Lai J, W Zhan, J Voogt, J Quan, F Huang, J Zhou, B Bechtel, L Hu, K Wang, C Cao, X Lee (2021) Meteorological controls on daily variations of nighttime surface urban heat islands. Remote Sensing of the Environment 253: 112198. reprint
Lai J, W Zhan, J Quan, B Bechtel, K Wang, J Zhou, F Huang, T Chakraborty, Z Liu, X Lee (2021) Statistical estimation of next-day nighttime surface urban heat islands. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 176: 182-195. reprint
Zhao J, M Zhang, W Xiao, L Jia, X Zhang, J Wang, Z Zhang, Y Xie, Y Pu, S Liu, Z Feng, X Lee (2021) Large methane emission from freshwater aquaculture ponds revealed by long-term eddy covariance observation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308: 108600. reprint
Deventer MJ, T Roman, I Bogoev, RK Kolka, M Erickson, X Lee, JM Baker, DB Millet, TJ Griffis (2021) Biases in open-path carbon dioxide flux measurements: Roles of instrument surface heat exchange and analyzer temperature sensitivity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 296: 108216. reprint
Chu H, X Luo, Z Ouyang, …, X Lee, …, JD Wood, D Zona (2021) Representativeness of Eddy-Covariance flux footprints for areas surrounding AmeriFlux sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 301-302: 108350. reprint
Xie C, W Xiao, M Zhang, S Liu, Y Qian, H Zhu, Z Zhang, Q Liu, Y Hu, J Wang, X Lee (2021) Isotopic kinetic fractionation of evaporation from small water bodies. Journal of Hydrology 603: 126974. reprint
Hu Y, W Xiao, Z Wei, LR Welp, X Wen, X Lee (2021) Determining the isotopic composition of surface water vapor flux from high-frequency observations using flux-gradient and Keeling plot methods. Earth and Space Science 8: e2020EA001304. reprint
Xiao Q, Z Hu, C Hu, ARM Towfiqul Islam, H Bian, S Chen, C Liu, X Lee (2021) A highly agricultural river network (Jurong River) as significant CO2 and CH4 sources. Science of Total Environment 769: 144558. reprint
Hu C, J Xu, C Liu, Y Chen, D Yang, W Huang, L Deng, S Liu, TJ Griffis, X Lee (2021) Anthropogenic and natural controls on atmospheric δ13C-CO2 variations in the Yangtze River Delta: Insights from a carbon isotope modeling framework. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21: 10015-10037. reprint
Huang W, TJ Griffis, C Hu, W Xiao, X Lee (2021) Seasonal variations of CH4 emissions in the Yangtze River Delta region of China are driven by agricultural activities. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 38:1537-1551. reprint
Ruehr S, X Lee, R Smith, X Li, Z Xu, S Liu, X Yang, Y Zhou (2020) A mechanistic investigation of the oasis effect in the Zhangye cropland in semiarid western China. Journal of Arid Environments 176: 104120. reprint
Cao C, Y Yang, Y Lu, N Schultze, P Gu, Q Zhou, J Xu, X Lee (2020) Performance evaluation of a smart mobile air temperature and humidity sensor for characterizing intracity thermal environment. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 37: 1891-1905. reprint | supplement
Xiao W, Z Zhang, W Wang, M Zhang, Q Liu, Y Hu, W Huang, S Liu, X Lee (2020) Radiation controls the interannual variability of evaporation of a subtropical lake. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 125: e2019JD031264. reprint | supplement1 | supplement2
Zhang Z, M Zhang, C Cao, W Wang, W Xiao, C Xie, H Chu, J Wang, J Zhao, L Jia, Q Liu, W Huang, W Zhang, Y Lu, Y Xie, Y Wang, Y Pu, Y Hu, Z Chen, Z Qin, X Lee (2020) A dataset of microclimate and radiation and energy fluxes from the Lake Taihu eddy flux network. Earth System Science Data 12: 2635-2645. reprint
Sun L, XZ Liang, T Ling, M Xu, X Lee (2020) Improving a multilevel turbulence closure model for a shallow lake in comparison with other 1‐D models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12: e2019MS001971. reprint
Meng L, J Mao, Y Zhou, AD Richardson, X Lee, PE Thornton, DM Ricciuto, X Li, Y Dai, X Shi, G Jia (2020) Urban warming advances spring phenology but reduces temperature response of plants in the conterminous United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117: 4228-4233. reprint
Shao L, G Li, Q Zhao, Y Li, Y Sun, W Wang, C Cai, W Chen, R Liu, W Luo, X Yin, X Lee (2020) The fertilization effect of global dimming on crop yields is not attributed to an improved light interception. Global Change Biology 26: 1697-1713. reprint
Hu C, TJ Griffis, JM Baker, JD Wood, DB Millet, Z Yu, X Lee (2020) Modeling the sources and transport processes during extreme ammonia episodes in the US Corn Belt. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 125: e2019JD31207. reprint
Xiao Q, X Xu, H Duan, T Qi, B Qin, X Lee, Z Hu, W Wang, W Xiao, M Zhang (2020) Eutrophic Lake Taihu as a significant CO2 source during 2000–2015. Water Research 170: 115331. reprint
Xiao Q, H Duan, T Qi, Z Hu, S Liu, M Zhang, X Lee (2020) Environmental investments decreased partial pressure of CO2 in a small eutrophic urban lake: Evidence from long-term measurements. Environmental Pollution 263: 114433. reprint
Zhou Y, Q Xiao, L Zhou, KS Jang, Y Zhang, M Zhang, X Lee, B Qin, JD Brookes, TA Davidson, E Jeppesen (2020) Are nitrous oxide emissions indirectly fueled by input of terrestrial dissolved organic nitrogen in a large eutrophic Lake Taihu, China? Science of Total Environment 722: 138005 reprint
Li J, Y Zhang, F Cao, W Zhang, M Fan, X Lee, G Michalski (2020) Stable sulfur isotopes revealed a major role of transition-metal-ion catalyzed SO2 oxidation in haze episodes. Environmental Science & Technology 54: 2626-2634. reprint
Chakraborty T, X Lee (2019) A simplified urban-extent algorithm to characterize surface urban heat islands on a global scale and examine vegetation control on their spatiotemporal variability. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 74: 269-280. reprint | global UHI database
Chakraborty T, X Lee (2019) Land cover regulates the spatial variability of temperature response to the direct radiative effect of aerosols. Geophysical Research Letters 46: 8995-9003. reprint | online supplement
Wei Z, X Lee, F Aemisegger, M Benetti, M Berkelhammer, M Casado, K Caylor, E Christner, D Christoph, O Garcia, Y González, T Griffis, N Kurita, J Liang, M Liang, G Lin, D Noone, K Gribanov, N Munksgaard, M Schneider, F Ritter, H Steen-Larsen, CV Coulomb, X Wen, JS Wright, W Xiao, K Yoshimura (2019) A global database of water vapor isotopes measured with high temporal resolution infrared laser spectroscopy. Scientific Data 6: 180302. reprint
Wei Z, X Lee (2019) The utility of near-surface water vapor deuterium excess as an indicator of atmospheric moisture source. Journal of Hydrology 577: 123923. reprint
Liang J, Z Wei, X Lee, JS Wright, X Cui, H Chen, G Lin (2019) Evapotranspiration characteristics distinct to mangrove ecosystems are revealed by multiple‐site observations and a modified two‐source model. Water Resources Research 55: 11250-11273. reprint
Yang Y, X Lee (2019) Four-band thermal mosaicking: a new method to process infrared thermal imagery of urban landscapes from UAV flights. Remote Sensing 11:1365. reprint | supplemenet
Zhang M, Q Xiao, Z Zhang, Y Gao, J Zhao, Y Pu, W Wang, W Xiao, S Liu, X Lee (2019) Methane flux dynamics in a submerged aquatic vegetation zone in a subtropical lake. Science of Total Environment 672: 400-409. reprint | supplement
Zhao J, Mi Zhang, W Xiao, W Wang, Z Zhang, Z Yu, Q Xiao, Z Cao, J Xu, X Zhang, S Liu, X Lee (2019) An evaluation of the flux-gradient and the eddy covariance method to measure CH4, CO2, and H2O fluxes from small ponds. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 275: 255-264. reprint | supplement
Xiao Q, X Xu, M Zhang, H Duan, Z Hu, W Wang, W Xiao, X Lee (2019) Coregulations of nitrous oxide emissions by nitrogen and temperature in China’s third largest freshwater lake (Lake Taihu). Limnology and Oceanography 64: 1070-1086. reprint
Xiao Q, Z Hu, C Fu, H Bian, X Lee, S Chen, D Shang (2019) Surface nitrous oxide concentrations and fluxes from water bodies of the agricultural watershed in Eastern China. Environmental Pollution 251: 185-192. reprint
Huang W, W Xiao, M Zhang, W Wang, J Xu, Y Hu, C Hu, S Liu, Xuhui Lee (2019) Anthropogenic CH4 emissions in the Yangtze River Delta based on a “top-down” method. Atmosphere 10: 185. reprint
Hu C, TJ Griffis, S Liu, W Xiao, N Hu, W Huang, D Yang, Xuhui Lee (2019) Anthropogenic methane emission and its partitioning for the Yangtze River Delta region of China. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 124: 1148-1170. reprint
Wang L, X Lee, D Feng, C Fu, Z Wei, Y Yang, Y Yin, Y Luo, G Lin (2019) Impact of large-scale afforestation on surface temperature: a case study in the Kubuqi Desert, Inner Mongolia based on the WRF model. Forests 10: 368. reprint | supplement
Jiang S, X Lee, J Wang, K Wang (2019) Amplified urban heat islands during heat wave periods. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 124: 7797-7812. reprint
Zhang X, J Huang, G Li, Y Wang, C Liu, K Zhao, X Tao, XM Hu, X Lee (2019) Improving lake-breeze simulation with WRF nested LES and lake-model over a large shallow lake. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 58: 1689-1708. reprint
Liu C, E Fedorovich, J Huang, X Hu, Y Wang, X Lee (2019) Impact of aerosol shortwave radiative heating on the entrainment in atmospheric convective boundary layer: a large-eddy simulation study. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76: 785-799. reprint.
Zhao K, Y Bao, J Huang, Y Wu, F Moshary, M Arend, Y Wang, X Lee (2019) A high-resolution modeling study of a heat wave-driven ozone exceedance event in New York City and surrounding regions. Atmospheric Environment 199: 368-379. reprint
Liu X, Y Zhang, Y Peng, L Xu, C Zhu, F Cao, X Zhai, M Haque, C Yang, Y Chang, T Huang, Z Xu, M Bao, W Zhang, M Fan, X Lee (2019) Chemical and optical properties of carbonaceous aerosols in Nanjing, eastern China: regionally transported biomass burning contribution. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19: 11213-11233. reprint
Wang W, X Lee, W Xiao, S Liu, N Schultz, Y Wang, M Zhang, L Zhao (2018) Global lake evaporation accelerated by changes in surface energy allocation in a warmer climate. Nature Geoscience 11: 410-414. reprint / Yale news release
Xiao K, TJ Griffis, JM Baker, PV Bolstad, MD Erickson, X Lee, JD Wood, C Hu, JL Nieber (2018) Evaporation from a temperate closed-basin lake and its impact on present, past, and future water level. Journal of Hydrology 561: 59-75. reprint
Yang Y, Y Wang, Z Zhang, W Wang, X Ren, Y Gao, S Liu, X Lee (2018) Diurnal and seasonal variations of thermal stratification and vertical mixing in a shallow fresh water lake. Journal of Meteorological Research 32: 219-232. reprint
Zhou Y, Q Xiao, X Yao, Y Zhang, M Zhang, K Shi, X Lee, D Podgorski, B Qin, RGM Spencer, E Jeppesen (2018) Accumulation of terrestrial dissolved organic matter potentially enhances dissolved methane levels in eutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 10297-10306. reprint
Wei Z, X Lee, Z Liu, U Seeboonruang, M Koike, K Yoshimura (2018) Influences of large-scale convection and moisture source on monthly precipitation isotope ratios observed in Thailand, Southeast Asia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 488: 181-192. reprint | online supplement
Xiao W, X Lee, W Wang, M Zhang, X Wen, S Liu, Y Hu, C Xie, Z Zhang, X Zhang, X Zhao (2018) Hydrologic implications of the isotopic kinetic fractionation of open-water evaporation. Science China - Earth Sciences 61: 1523-1532. reprint
Wei Z, X Lee, X Wen, W Xiao (2018) Evapotranspiration partitioning for three agro-ecosystems with contrasting moisture conditions: a comparison of an isotope method and a two-source model calculation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 252: 296-310. reprint | online supplement
Wei Z, X Lee, EG Patton (2018) ISOLESC: A coupled Isotope-LSM–LES-Cloud modeling system to investigate the water budget in the atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10: 2589-2617. reprint
Liu C, J Huang, E Fedorovich, X Hu, Y Wang, X Lee (2018) The effect of aerosol radiative heating on turbulence statistics and spectra in the atmospheric convective boundary layer: a large-eddy simulation study. Atmosphere 9: 347. reprint
Li H, F Meier, X Lee, T Chakratorty, J Liu, M Schaap, S Sodoudi (2018) Interaction between urban heat island and urban pollution island in Berlin during summer. Science of Total Environment 636: 818-828. reprint
Wang L, X Lee, N Schultz, S Chen, Z Wei, C Fu, Y Gao, Y Yang, G Lin (2018) Response of surface temperature to afforestation in the Kubuqi Desert, Inner Mongolia. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 123: 948-964. reprint | online supplement
Chu H, DD Baldocchi, C Poindexter, M Abraha, A R Desai, G Bohrer, MA Arain, T Griffis, PD Blanken, TL O’Halloran, RQ Thomas, Q Zhang, S Burns, JM Frank, D Christian, S Brown, TA Black, CM Gough, BE Law, X Lee, J Chen, DE Reed, WJ Massman, K Clark, J Hatfield, J Prueger, R Bracho, JM Baker, TA Martin (2018) Temporal dynamics of aerodynamic canopy height derived from eddy covariance momentum flux data across North American Flux Networks. Geophysical Research Letters 45: 9275-9287. reprint
Gao Y, X Lee, S Liu, N Hu, X Wei, C Hu, C Liu, Z Zhang, Y Yang (2018) Spatiotemporal variability of the near-surface CO2 concentration across an industrial-urban-rural transect, Nanjing, China. Science of the Total Environment 631-632: 1192-1200. reprint
Hu N, S Liu, Y Gao, J Xu, X Zhang, Z Zhang, X Lee (2018) Large methane emissions from natural gas vehicles in Chinese cities. Atmospheric Environment 187: 374-380. rerprint
Hu C, TJ Griffis, X Lee, DB Millet, Z Chen, J Baker, K Xiao (2018) Top-down constraints on anthropogenic CO2 emissions within an agricultural-urban landscape. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 123: 4674-4694. reprint
Fu C, X Lee, TJ Griffis, JM Baker, PA Turner (2018) A modeling study of direct and indirect N2O emissions from a representative catchment in the US Corn Belt. Water Resources Research 54: 3632-3653. reprint
Fu C, X Lee, TJ Griffis, G Wang, Z Wei (2018) Influences of root hydraulic redistribution on N2O emissions at AmeriFlux sites. Geophysical Research Letters 45: 5135-5143. reprint
Cao C, X Lee, J Muhlhausen, L Bonneau, J Xu (2018) Measuring landscape albedo using unmanned aerial vehicles. Remote Sensing 10: 1812. reprint / online supplement
Xiao W, X Lee, Y Hu, S Liu, W Wang, X Wen, M Werner, C Xie (2017) An experimental investigation of kinetic fractionation of open-water evaporation over a large lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122, 11651–11663. reprint / online supplement /data supplement
Zhao L, X Lee, N Schultz (2017) A wedge strategy for mitigation of urban warming in future climate scenarios. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17: 9067–9080. reprint / online supplement / animation 1 / animation 2
Schultz N (2017) Global Analysis of the Biophysical Effects of Deforestation in a Changing Climate. PhD Dissertation, Yale University. e-copy
Schultz N, P Lawrence, X Lee (2017) Global satellite data highlights the diurnal asymmetry of the surface temperature response to deforestation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 122: 903 -917, doi:10.1002/2016JG003653. reprint / online supplement | EOS Research Spotlight
Wei Z, K Yoshimura, L Wang, D Miralles, S Jasechko, X Lee (2017) Revisiting the contribution of transpiration to global terrestrial evapotranspiration. Geophysical Research Letters 44: 2792–2801. reprint / online supplement
Wang, K, S Jiang, J Wang, C Zhou, X Wang, and X Lee (2017) Comparing the diurnal and seasonal variabilities in atmospheric and surface urban heat islands based on the Beijing urban meteorological network. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 122: 2131–2154. reprint
Hu C, Y Wang, W Wang, S Liu, M Piao, W Xiao, X Lee (2017) Trends in evaporation of a large subtropical lake. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 129: 159-170. reprint
Wang Y, Y Gao, H Qin, J Huang, C Liu, C Hu, W Wang, S Liu, X Lee (2017) Spatiotemporal characteristics of lake breezes over Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56: 2053-2065. reprint
Griffis T, Z Chen, J Baker, J Wood, D Millet, X Lee, R Venterea, P Turner (2017) Nitrous oxide emissions are enhanced in a warmer and wetter world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114: 12081-12085. reprint
Fu C, X Lee, TJ Griffis, EJ Dlugokencky, AE Andrews (2017) Investigation of the N2O emission strength in the U. S. Corn Belt. Atmospheric Research 194: 66-77. reprint / online supplement
Xiao Q, M Zhang, Z Hu, Y Gao, C Hu, C Liu, S Liu, Z Zhang, J Zhao, W Xiao, X Lee (2017) Spatial variations of methane emission in a large shallow eutrophic lake in subtropical climate. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 122: 1597-1614. reprint / online supplement
Wang L, X Lee, W Wang, X Wang, Z Wei, C Fu, Y Gao, L Lu, W Song, P Su, G Lin (2017) A meta-analysis of open-path eddy covariance observations of apparent CO2 flux in cold conditions in the FLUXNET network. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 34:2475–2487. reprint / online supplement
Xu JP, X Lee, W Xiao, C Cao, S Liu, X Wen, JZ Xu, Z Zhang, J Zhao (2017) Interpreting the 13C/12C ratio of carbon dioxide in an urban airshed in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17: 3385–3399. reprint / Data and Supplemental Information
Cao F, S Zhang, K Kawamura, X Liu, C Yang, Z Xu, M Fan, W Zhang, M Bao, Y Chang, W Song, S Liu, X Lee, J Li, G Zhang, Y Zhang (2017) Chemical characteristics of dicarboxylic acids and related organic compounds in PM2.5 during biomass-burning and non-biomass-burning seasons at a rural site of Northeast China. Environmental Pollution 231: 654-662. reprint
Chang Y, C Deng, F Cao, C Cao, Z Zou, S Liu, X Lee, J Li, G Zhang, Y Zhang (2017) Assessment of carbonaceous aerosols in Shanghai, China-Part 1: Long-term evolution, seasonal variations and meteorological effects. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17: 9945-9964. reprint
Zhang Y, H Ren, Y Sun, F Cao, Y Chang, S Liu, X Lee, K Agrios, K Kawamura, D Liu, L Ren, W Du, Wei, Z Wang, A Prevot, S Szidat, P Fu (2017) High contribution of non-fossil sources to sub-micron organic aerosols in Beijing, China. Environmental Science and Technology 51: 7842-7852. reprint
Bao M, F Cao, Y Chang, Y Zhang, Y Gao, X Liu, Y Zhang, W Zhang, T Tang, S Liu, X Lee, J Li, G Zhang (2017) Characteristics and origins of air pollutants and carbonaceous aerosols during wintertime haze episodes at a rural site in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research 8: 900-911. reprint
Cao C, X Lee, S Liu, N Schultz, W Xiao, M Zhang, L Zhao (2016) Urban heat islands in China enhanced by haze pollution. Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12509. reprint / Yale press release
Covey KR, CP Bueno de Mesquita, B Oberle, DS Maynard, C Bettigole, TW Crowther, MC Duguid, B Steven, AE Zanne, M Lapin, MS Ashton, CD Oliver, X Lee, MA Bradford (2016) Greenhouse trace gases in dead wood. Biogeochemistry 130: 215-226. reprint
Wang W, JP Xu, Y Gao, I Bogoev, J Cui, L Deng, C Hu, C Liu, S Liu, J Shen, X Sun, W Xiao, G Yuan, X Lee (2016) Performance evaluation of an integrated open-path eddy covariance system in a cold desert environment. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33: 2385-2399. reprint / online supplement
Chen Z, TJ Griffis, DB Millet, J Wood, X Lee, JM Baker, K Xiao, P Turner, M Chen, J Zobitz (2016) Partitioning N2O emissions within the US Corn Belt using an inverse modeling approach. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30: 1192–1205. reprint
Schultz NM, X Lee, PJ Lawrence, DM Lawrence, L Zhao (2016) Assessing the use of sub-grid land model output to study impacts of land cover change. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 121: 6133–6147. reprint | online supplement
Turner PA, TJ Griffis, JM Baker, X Lee, JT Crawford, LC Loken, RT Venterea (2016) The non-linearity of nitrous oxide production in rivers. Geophysical Research Letters 43: 4400-4407. reprint
Griffis TJ, JD Wood, JM Baker, X Lee, K Xiao, Z Chen, G Gorski, N Schultz, L Welp, M Chen, J Nieber (2016) Investigating the source, transport and isotope fractionation of water vapor in the planetary boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 5139–5157. reprint
Aslan-Sungur G, X Lee, F Evrendilek, N Karakaya (2016) Large interannual variability in net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange of a disturbed temperate peatland. Science of the Total Environment 554–555: 192–202. reprint
Wen X, B Yang, X Sun, X Lee (2016) Evapotranspiration partitioning through in-situ oxygen isotope measurements in an oasis cropland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 230-231: 89-96. reprint
Xiao W, X Wen, W Wang, Q Xiao, J Xu, C Cao, J Xu, C Hu, J Shen, S Liu, X Lee (2016) Spatial distribution and temporal variability of stable water isotopes in a large and shallow lake. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies52:443-454 . reprint / online supplement / data access
Zhao L, X Lee, AE Suyker, X Wen (2016) Influence of leaf area index on the radiometric resistance to heat transfer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 105: 105-123. reprint / PhD Thesis
Turner PA, TJ Griffis, X Lee, JM Baker, RT Venterea, JD Wood (2015) Indirect nitrous oxide emission from streams within the US Corn Belt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112: 9839–9843. reprint
Zhao L (2015) Natural and Anthropogenic Contributions to Urban Heat Islands. PhD Dissertation, Yale University. e-copy
Lee X, Z Gao, C Zhang, F Chen, Y Hu, W Jiang, S Liu, L Lu, J Sun, J Wang, Z Zeng, Q Zhang, Ming Zhao, Mingyu Zhou (2015) Priorities for boundary-layer meteorology research in China. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society 96: ES149-ES151. reprint
Hu Z, Q Xiao, J Yang, W Xiao, W Wang, S Liu, X Lee (2015) Temporal dynamics and regulation of ecosystem metabolism in a large subtropical shallow lake (Lake Taihu). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12: 3691–3706. reprint
Zhang X, X Lee, TJ Griffis, AE Andrews, JM Baker, MD Erickson, N Hu, W Xiao (2015) Quantifying nitrous oxide fluxes on multiple spatial scales in the Upper Midwest, USA. International Journal of Biometeorology 59: 299–310. reprint
Zhao L, X Lee, RB Smith, K Oleson (2014) Strong contributions of local background climate to urban heat islands. Nature 511: 216-219. reprint / Nature News & Views / Nature Geoscience News & Views / Yale News Release
Lee X, S Liu, W Xiao, W Wang, Z Gao, C Cao, C Hu, Z Hu, S Shen, Y Wang, X Wen, Q Xiao, J Xu, J Yang, M Zhang (2014) The Taihu Eddy Flux Network: an observational program on energy, water, and greenhouse gas fluxes of a large freshwater lake. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society 95: 1583-1594. reprint
Xiao W, S Liu, H Li, Q Xiao, W Wang, Z Hu, C Hu, Y Gao, J Shen, X Zhao, M Zhang, X Lee (2014) A flux-gradient system for simultaneous measurement of the CH4, CO2 and H2O fluxes at a lake-air interface. Environmental Science and Technology 48: 14490−14498. reprint / online supplement / data access (readme, data file)
Zhang X, X Lee, TJ Griffis, JM Baker, W Xiao (2014) Estimating regional greenhouse gas fluxes: An uncertainty analysis of planetary boundary layer techniques and bottom-up inventories. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14: 10705–10719. reprint
Santos E, C Wagner-Riddle, X Lee, J Warland, S Brown, R Staebler, P Bartlett, K Kim (2014) Temporal dynamics of oxygen isotope compositions of soil and canopy CO2 fluxes in a temperate deciduous forest. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 119: 996-1013. reprint
Shen S, D Yang, W Xiao, S Liu, X Lee (2014) Constraining anthropogenic CH4 emission in Nanjing and the Yangtze River Delta, China using atmospheric CO2 and CH4 mixing ratios. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 31: 1343–1352. reprint
Hu Z, X Wen, X Sun, L Li, G Yu, X Lee, S Li (2014) Partitioning evapotranspiration through oxygen isotopic measurements of water pools and fluxes in a temperate grassland. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 119: 358-371. reprint
Zhang M, X Lee, G Yu, S Han, H Wang, J Yan, Y Zhang, Y Li, T Ohta, T Hirano, J Kim, N Yoshifuji, W Wang (2014) Response of surface air temperature to small-scale land clearing across latitudes. Environmental Research Letters 9: 034002. reprint / online supplement / Enviromental Research Web news release
Wang W, W Xiao, C Cao, Z Gao, Z Hu, S Liu, S Shen, L Wang, Q Xiao, J Xu, D Yang, X Lee (2014) Temporal and spatial variations in radiation and energy balance across a large freshwater lake in China. Journal of Hydrology 511: 811-824. reprint
Zhang X, X Lee, TJ Griffis, JM Baker, M Erickson, N Hu, W Xiao (2013) The influence of plants on atmospheric methane in an agriculture-dominated landscape. International Journal of Biometeorology 58: 819-833. reprint / PhD Thesis
Zhao L, X Lee, S Liu (2013) Correcting surface solar radiation of two data assimilation systems agasint FLUXNET observations in North America. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 118: 9992-9564. reprint / online supplement
Griffis TJ, X Lee, JM Baker, MP Russelle, X Zhang, R Venterea, DB Millet (2013) Reconciling the differences between top-down and bottom-up estimates of nitrous oxide emissions for the US Corn Belt. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27: 746-754. reprint / online supplement
Huang, J, C Zhou, X Lee, Y Bao, X Zhao, J Fung, A Richter, X Liu (2013) Impact of rapid urbanization on seasonal changes in tropospheric nitrogen dioxide and ozone over East China. Atmospheric Environment 77: 558-567. reprint
Xiao W, S Liu, W Wang, D Yang, J Xu, Chang Cao, H Li, X Lee (2013) Transfer coefficients of momentum, sensible heat and water vapour in the amtospheric surface layer of a large freshwater lake. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 148: 479-494. reprint
Wen XF, Y Meng, XY Zhang, XM Sun, X Lee (2013) Evaluating calibration strategies for isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy for atmospheric 13CO2/12CO2 measurement. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 6: 1491-1501 reprint
Deng B, S Liu, W Xiao, W Wang, J Jin, X Lee (2013) Evaluation of the CLM4 lake model at a large and shallow freshwater lake. Journal of Hydrometeorology 14: 636-649. reprint / online data supplement
Covey KR, SA Wood, RJ Warren II, X Lee, MA Bradford (2012) Elevated methane concentrations in trees of an upland forest. Geophysical Research Letters 39: L15705, doi:10.1029/2012GL052361. reprint / Yale news release / Yale Daily News
Welp L, X Lee, T Griffis, XF Wen, W Xiao, SG Li, XM Sun, ZM Hu, M Val Martin, JP Huang (2012) A meta-analysis of water vapor deuterium-excess in the mid-latitude atmospheric surface layer. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB3021, doi:10.1029/2011GB004246. reprint /online supplement
Werner C, H Schnyder, M Cuntz, C Keitel, MJ Zeeman, TE Dawson, FW Badeck, E Brugnoli, J Ghashghaie, TEE Grams, ZE Kayler, M Lakatos, X Lee, M Maguas, J Ogee, KG Rascher, RTW Siegwolf, S Unger, J Welker, L Wingate, A Gessler (2012) Progress and challenges using stable isotopes to trace plant carbon and water relations across scales. Biogeosciences 9: 3083-3111. reprint
Santos E, C Wagner-Riddle, X Lee, J Warland, S Brown, R Staebler, P Bartlett, K Kim (2012) Use of the isotope flux ratio approach to investigate the C18O16O and 13CO2 exchange near the floor of a temperate deciduous forest. Biogeosciences 9: 2389-2399. reprint
Xiao W, X Lee, X Wen, X Sun, S Zhang (2012) Modeling biophysical controls on canopy foliage water 18O enrichment in wheat and corn. Global Change Biology 18: 1769-1780 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02648.x.reprint / online supplement
Lee X, J Huang, EG Patton (2012) A large-eddy simulation study of water vapour and carbon dioxide isotopes in the atmospheric boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 145: 229-248. reprint / online supplement
Wen XF, X Lee, XM Sun, JL Wang, SG Li, GR Yu (2012) Inter-comparison of four commercial analyzers for water vapor isotope measurement. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 29: 235-247. reprint
Covey KR, J Orefice, X Lee (2012) The physiological ecology of carbon science in forest stands, in Managing Forest Carbon in a Changing Climate (M. Ashton, M. L. Tyrrell, D Spalding, B Gentry eds), Springer, New York, 31-49.
Zhang X, Y Zhao, MS Ashton, X Lee (2012) Measuring carbon in forests, in Managing Forest Carbon in a Changing Climate (M. Ashton, M. L. Tyrrell, D Spalding, B Gentry eds), Springer, New York, 139-144.
Wen XF, X Lee, XM Sun, JL Wang, SG Li, GR Yu (2012) Dew water isotopic ratios and their relations to ecosystem water pools and fluxes in a cropland and a grassland in China. Oecologia 168: 549-561. reprint /online supplement
Mackey CW, X Lee, RB Smith (2012) Remotely sensing the cooling effects of city-scale efforts to reduce urban heat island. Building and Environment 49: 348-358. reprint / Yale Scientific Magazine Perspective
Lee X (2012) Editorial: Experimenting with a new form of peer review. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 152:v reprint
Lee X, ML Goulden, DY Hollinger, A Barr, TA Black, G Bohrer, R Bracho, B Drake, A Goldstein, L Gu, G Katul, T Kolb, B Law, H Margolis, T Meyers, R Monson, W Munger, R Oren, K T Paw U, AD Richardson, HP Schmid, R Staebler, S Wofsy, L Zhao (2011) Observed increase in local cooling effect of deforestation at higher latitudes. Nature 479: 384-387. reprint / online supplement / Yale news release
Schultz NM, TJ Griffis, X Lee, JM Baker (2011) Identification and correction of spectral contamination in D/H and 18O/16O measured in leaf, stem, and soil water. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25: 3360-3368. reprint
Kim K (2011) Laboratory and Field Investigations of Stable Water Isotopes in Ecosystems. PhD Dissertation, Yale University. e-copy
Kim K, X Lee (2011) Transition of stable isotope ratios of leaf water under simulated dew formation. Plant Cell and Environment 34: 1790-1801. reprint
Kim K, X Lee (2011) Isotopic enrichment of liquid water during evaporation. Journal of Hydrology 399: 364-375. reprint / PhD Thesis
Huang J, X Lee, EG Patton (2011) Entrainment and budget of heat, water vapor and carbon dioxide in a convective boundary layer driven by time-varying solar radiation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 116: D06308, doi:10.1029/2010/JD014938. reprint
Griffis TG, X Lee, JM Baker, K Billmark, N Schultz, M Erickson, X Zhang, J Fassbinder, W Xiao, N Hu (2011) Oxygen isotope composition of evapotranspiration and its relation to C4 photosynthetic discrimination. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 116: G01035, doi:10.1029/2010JG001514. reprint
Lee X, W Massman (2011) A perspective on thirty years of the Webb, Pearman and Leuning density corrections. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 139: 37-59. reprint
South D, X Lee, MG Messina (2011) Will afforestation in temperate zones warm the Earth? Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 3: 195-199. reprint
Wu HJ, X Lee (2011) Short-term effects of rain on soil respiration in two New England forests. Plant and Soil 338: 329-342, doi 10.1007/s11104-010-0548-2. reprint / PhD Thesis
Zhang J, X Lee, G Song, S Han (2011) Pressure correction to the long-term measurement of carbon dioxide flux. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151:70-77. reprint
Griffis TJ, SD Sargent, X Lee, JM Baker, J Greene, M Erickson, X Zhang, K Billmark, N Schultz, W Xiao, N Hu (2010) Determining the oxygen isotope composition of evapotranspiration using eddy covariance. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 137: 307-326. reprint
Lee X (2010) Forests and climate: a warming paradox. Science 328: 1479. reprint
Lee X (2010) East and West at a crossroad: a commentary on China’s environmental regulation and resource use. Journal of Resources and Ecology 1: 87-93. reprint
Xiao W, X Lee, TJ Griffis, K Kim, LR Welp, Q Yu (2010) A modeling investigation of canopy-air oxygen isotopic exchange of water vapor and carbon dioxide in a soybean field. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 115: G01004, doi:10.1029/2009JG001163. reprint
Wen XF, SC Zhang, XM Sun, GR Yu, X Lee (2010) Water vapor and precipitation isotope ratios in Beijing, China. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 115: D01103, doi:10.1029/2009JD012408. reprint/ data download
Lee X, TJ Griffis, JM Baker, KA Billmark, K Kim, LR Welp (2009) Canopy-scale kinetic fractionation of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor isotopes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23: GB1002, doi:10.1029/2008GB003331. reprint erratum
Wu HJ (2009) Wetting-Induced Soil Carbon Dioxide Pulses inTemperate Forests and Agricultural Fields. PhD Dissertation, Yale University. e-copy
Huang J, X Lee, EG Patton (2009) Dissimilarity of scalar transport in the convective boundary layer in inhomogeneous landscapes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 130: 327-345. reprint
Lee X (2008) Editorial: A note on the scope of the journal. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 1401.reprint
Welp LR, X Lee, K Kim, TJ Griffis, K Billmark, JM Baker (2008) d18O of water vapor, evapotranspiration and the sites of leaf evaporation in a soybean canopy. Plant Cell and Environment 31:1214-1228. reprint / journal cover image
Griffis TJ, SD Sargent, JM Baker, X Lee, BD Tanner, J Greene, E Swiatek, K Billmark (2008) Direct measurement of biosphere-atmosphere isotopic CO2 exchange using the eddy covariance technique. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 113: D08304, doi: 10.1029/2007/JD009297. reprint
Huang J, X Lee, EG Patton (2008) A modeling study of flux imbalance and the influence of entrainment in the convective boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 127: 273-292. reprint
Wen, XF, XM Sun, SC Zhang, GR Yu, SD Sargent, X Lee (2008) Continuous measurement of water vapor D/H and 18O/16O isotope ratios in the atmosphere. Journal of Hydrology 349:489-500. reprint
Lee X, K Kim, R Smith (2007) Temporal variations of the isotopic signal of the whole-canopy transpiration in a temperate forest. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21: GB3013, doi:10.1029/2006GB002871. reprint / data download
Wang J, Q Yu, X Lee (2007) Simulation of crop growth and energy and carbon dioxide fluxes at different time steps from hourly to daily. Hydrological Processes 21: 2474-2492.
Yu Q, S Xu, J Wang, X Lee (2007) Influence of leaf water potential on diurnal changes in CO2 and water vapour fluxe. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 124: 161-181.
Sigler J, X Lee (2007) Reply to comment by T Michaels on “Recent trends in anthropogenic mercury emission in the northeast United States transpiration”. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 112: D13314, doi: 10.1029/2006JD008069. reprint
Sigler J, X Lee (2006) Gaseous mercury in background forest soil in the northeastern United States. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 111: Art # G02007, doi 10.1029/2005JG000106 reprint / PhD Thesis
Sigler J, X Lee (2006) Recent trends in anthropogenic mercury emission in the northeast United States. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 111: Art# D14316, doi:10.1029/2005JD006814. reprint/ Yale FES press release
Lee X, R Smith, J Williams (2006) Water vapor 18O/16O isotope ratio in surface air in New England, USA.Tellus B 58: 293-304. reprint / data download
Yu GR, XF Wen, XM Sun, BD Tanner, X Lee, JY Chen (2006) Overview of ChinaFLUX and evaluation of its eddy covariance measurement. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 137: 125-137.
Lu P, Q Yu, X Lee (2006) Advance of tree-flowering dates in response to urban climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 138: 120-131.
Griffis TJ, X Lee, JM Baker, SD Sargent, JY King (2005) Feasibility of quantifying ecosystem-atmosphere C18O16O exchange using laser spectroscopy and the flux-gradient method. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 135: 44-60. reprint
Lee X, S Sargent, R Smith, B Tanner (2005) In-situ measurement of water vapor 18O/16O isotope ratio for atmospheric and ecological applications. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 22: 555-565. reprint / dripper info
Lee X (2004) Forest-air exchange in non-ideal conditions: the role of horizontal flux and its divergence, in Forests at the Land-Atmosphere Interface (M. Mencuccini, J. Grace, J. Moncrieff, K. G. McNaughton eds), CABI Publishing, 145-157.
Lee X, J Finnigan, KT Paw U (2004) Coordinate systems and flux bias error, in Handbook of Micrometeorology: A Guide for Surface Flux Measurement and Analysis (X. Lee, W. Massman, B. Law eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 33-66. | correction
Richardson AD, X Lee, AJ Friedland (2004) Microclimatology of treeline spruce-fir forests in the mountains of the northeastern United States. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 125: 53-66. reprint
Lee X (2004) A model for scalar advection inside canopies and application to footprint investigation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 127: 131-141. reprint
Lee X, Q Yu, X Sun, J Liu, Q Min, Y Liu, X Zhang (2004) Micrometeorological fluxes under the influence of regional and local advection: a revisit. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 122: 111-124. reprint
Lee X, HJ Wu, J Sigler, JC Oishi, T Siccama (2004) Rapid and transient response of soil respiration to rain. Global Change Biology 10:1017-1026. reprint
Sigler JM, X Lee, W Munger (2003) Emission and long-range transport of gaseous mercury from a large-scale Canadian boreal forest fire. Environmental Science and Technology 37: 4343-4347. reprint
Richardson AD, EG Denny, TG Siccama, X Lee (2003) Evidence for a rising cloud ceiling in eastern North America. Journal of Climate 16: 2093-2098. reprint
Lee X (2003) Fetch and footprint of turbulent fluxes over vegetation stands with elevated sources. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 107: 561-579. reprint
Fladeland MM, MS Ashton, X Lee (2003) Landscape variations in understory PAR for a mixed deciduous forest in New England, USA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 118: 137-141. reprint
Zhu Z, X Sun, R Zhang, H Su, Z Tang, X Lee (2002) A note on direct measurement of the aerodynamic resistance over vegetation. Journal of Atmospheric Science and Oceanic Technology 19: 1886-1890. reprint
Hu X, X Lee, DE Stevens, RB Smith (2002) A numerical study of nocturnal wavelike motion in forests. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 102: 199-223. reprint / PhD Thesis
Massman WJ, X Lee (2002) Eddy covariance flux corrections and uncertainties in long-term studies of carbon and energy exchanges. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (FluxNet special issue) 113: 121-144.reprint
Barr AG, TJ Griffis, TA Black, X Lee, RM Staebler, JD Fuentes, Z Chen (2002) Comparing the carbon balances of mature boreal and temperate deciduous forest stands. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 32: 813-822. reprint
Lee X, X Hu (2002) Forest-air fluxes of carbon and energy over non-flat terrain. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 103: 277-301. reprint
Sun J, DH Lenschow, SP Burns, R Banta, R Newsom, R Coulter, St Frasier, T Ince, C Nappo, B Balsely, M Jensen, D Miller, B Skelly, J Cuxart, W Blumen, X Lee, X Hu (2001) Intermittent turbulence in stable boundary layers and its relationship with density current. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 105: 199-219.
Baldocchi D, E Falge, L Gu, R Olson, D Hollinger, S Running, P Anthoni, Ch Bernhofer, J Fuentes, A Goldstein, G Katul, B Law, X Lee, Y Malhi, T Meyers, W Munger, W Oechel, R Valentini, S Verma, T Vesala, K Wilson, S Wofsy (2001) FLUXNET: a new tool to study the temporal and spatial variability of ecosystem-scale carbon dioxide, water vapor and energy flux densities. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society 82: 2415-2434.
Blanken P, TA Black, HH Neumann, G den Hartog, PC Yang, Z Nesic, X Lee (2001) The seasonal water and energy exchange above and within a boreal aspen forest. Journal of Hydrology 245: 118-136. reprint
Lee X., OR Bullock Jr, RJ Andres (2001)Anthropogenic emission of mercury to the atmosphere in the northeast United States. Geophysical Research Letters 28: 1231-1234. reprint
He H, X Lee, RB Smith (2001) Deuterium in water vapor evaporated from a coastal salt marsh. Journal of Geophysical Research 106: 12183-12191. reprint
Lee X (2000) Water vapor density effect on measurements of trace gas mixing ratio and flux with a massflow controller. Journal of Geophysical Research 105: 17807-17810. reprint
Lee X, G Benoit, X Hu (2000) Total gaseous mercury concentration and flux at a coastal salt marsh in Connecticut, USA. Atmospheric Environment 34: 4205-4213. reprint
Mahrt L, X Lee, A Black, H Neumann, RM Staebler (2000) Nocturnal mixing in a forest subcanopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 101: 67-78. reprint
Lee X (2000) Air motion within and above forest vegetation in non-ideal conditions. Forest Ecology and Management 135: 3-18. reprint
Staebler RM, JD Fuentes, X Lee, KJ Puckett, HH Neumann, MJ Deaery, JA Arnold (1999) Long-term flux measurements at the Borden Forest. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Bulletin 28: 9-16.reprint
Lee X (1999) Reply to comment by Finnigan on “On micrometeorological observations of surface-air exchange over tall vegetation”. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97: 65-67. reprint
Lee X, JD Fuentes, R Staebler, HH Neumann (1999) Long-term observation of the atmospheric exchange of CO2 with a temperate deciduous forest in southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 15975-15984. reprint
Lee X (1998) On micrometeorological observations of surface-air exchange over tall vegetation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 91: 39-49. reprint
Lee X, AG Barr (1998) Climatology of gravity waves in a forest. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 124: 1403-1419. reprint
Blanken PD, TA Black, PC Yang, G den Hartog, HH Neumann, Z Nesic, R Staebler, MD Novak, X Lee (1997) Energy balance and canopy conductance of a boreal aspen forest: partitioning overstory and understory components. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 102: 28915-27.
Lee X (1997) Gravity waves in a forest: a linear analysis. Journal of Atmospheric Science 54: 2574-2585. reprint
Lee X, HH Neumann, G den Hartog, JD Fuentes,TA Black, RE Mickle, PC Yang, PD Blanken (1997) Observation of gravity waves in a boreal forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 84: 383-398. reprint
Chen W, MD Novak, TA Black, X Lee (1997) Coherent eddies and temperature structure functions for three contrasting surfaces. Part I: ramp model with finite microfront time. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 84: 99-123.
Chen W, MD Novak, TA Black, X Lee (1997) Coherent eddies and temperature structure functions for three contrasting surfaces. Part II: renewal model for sensible heat flux. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 84: 125-147.
Lee X (1996) Turbulence spectra and eddy diffusivity over forests. Journal of Applied Meteorology 35: 1307-1318. reprint
Lee X, TA Black, G den Hartog, HH Neumann, Z Nesic, J Olejnki (1996) Carbon dioxide exchange and nocturnal processes over a mixed deciduous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 81: 13-29. reprint
Black TA, G den Hartog, HH Neumann, PD Blanken, PC Yang, C Russell, Z Nesic, X Lee, SG Chen, R Staebler, MD Novak (1996) Annual cycles of water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes in and above a boreal aspen forest. Global Change Biology 2: 219-229.
Lee X, TA Black (1994) Relating eddy correlation sensible heat flux to horizontal sensor separation in the unstable surface layer. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 99: 18545-553. reprint
Lee X, RH Shaw, TA Black (1994) Modelling the effect of barometric pressure gradient on the mean flow within forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 68: 201-212. reprint
Lee X, TA Black, MD Novak (1994) Comparison of flux measurements with closed- and open-path gas analyzers above an agricultural field and a forest floor. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 67: 195-202. reprint
Lee X, TA Black (1993) Turbulence near the forest floor in an old-growth Douglas-fir stand on a south-facing slope. Forest Science 39: 211-230.
Lee X, TA Black (1993) Atmospheric turbulence within and above a Douglas-fir stand. Part I: Statistical properties of the velocity field. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 64: 149-174. reprint
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